Thursday, November 18, 2010

yeah meng, :)

Shaiha's house was awesome! I played DDR, but I sucked. And Shaiha's a pro. Jealous ah. :P
And I can't seem to install BioShock 2 at Shaiha's computer! Stress gila, seriously tak tahu apa masalah, hahaha.

But I got to play BioShock. I miss that game. But kinda hard to play using the PC. I think playing it using Xbox 360 is easier... Shaiha was stuck at a part at Fort Frolic. I helped her. But I 'accidentally' played till the end.

Then, bila baru je nak main at Hephaestus, my dad showed up to pick me up. It was fun while it lasted. Sad sad noodle, :(

Anyways, just now, my cousin showed me a picture that made me laugh. Well, he always make me laugh. All the same, here's the picture :

Hehehe, very awesome. :)

1 comment:

  1. I'm not that pro at dancing lah and don't stress so much about Bioshock 2. X de rezeki tu lah....
