Sunday, December 12, 2010

meh friend is awesome

Look at that kid in red. Yeah, cute right? Because all children are cute. His name is Haziq, and he asked me to right about betapa 'comel' he is, =.=

Here he is now. The one in the blue, not the green, haha. He has to wear glasses, but i think someone broke his glasses or something. Poor Haziq yang 'comel', =.=

Anyways, I'm done writing about him. Yeah, he's nice and all, but he likes to bully me. And annoy me to death. Oh, he got me a protractor for my birthday this year. It saved my life, because I lost my protractor, and on that day there was an exam. Thanks Haziq, :')

Oh, here's an embarassing photo of him. I have to put it here. Muahahahaha!! >:D

"O ya, I'm so sexy"

Oh, and Haziq, Longcat is long okay, dia tak weird, :D