Sunday, December 5, 2010

I Whip My Hair Back And Forth

Weeee, I cut my hair again! Trimmed my fringe and made my hair one-length. Awesomeness... :D

And, I went to the dentist again, to get a mould of my teeth and also a filling. I did not enjoy both. Obviously. The drilling part hurts, but not too bad. And i felt like barfing when they're taking a mould of my teeth. Blegh.

Anyways, I also went to this baking shop thingy somewhere at Sect. 13. I bought ingredients to bake some Cookie Monster Cupcakes, while my sister bought ingredients to bake a cake. Peanut Butter & Chocolate Cake, :D

Awesome Cute-ness!

Those aren't mine BTW. I randomly googled 'Cookie Monster Cupcake' and I picked the cutest one. Hahaha, I'm crazy, :D


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