Sunday, December 26, 2010

PMR Results

Last Thursday I got my PMR results. When I came to school, the teachers were calling the names of the straight As students. Well, I obviously won't get straight As, hehe.

My ustazah suddenly approached me and congratulate me. She said, "Ustazah tak sangka kamu boleh dapat banyak 'A'. Tahniah ya! Kamu ni dah la selalu tidur dalam kelas ustazah!" And I was all like, "lolwut?"

So, after they finished calling the straight A's students, the other students are taking their results from their class teachers. When it was my turn to take my results, the teacher said I haven't paid my school fees yet, so I can't get my results, until I pay. =.=

After my classmates took their results, some other classmates who didn't pay their fees and I followed our teacher to the bilik guru to pay our fees.

Finally, I got my results. I can't believe I got 5A's 3B's. I mean, I thought I was gonna get 2A's! I was like, "OMGWTFBBQ!!!!1!!" and "Alhamdulillah", hehehe.

I told my parents about my results, and can't wait for my reward that they promised me. But sadly, they forgot that I made a deal with them. I even made a comic about it :

Oh well, I still got 5A's! I still can't believe I aced my geo, and I didn't fail my sejarah! Yay me!

So, yeah, everything went better than expected, :)

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Happy 15th Birthday

YEAHH!! Happy 15th birthday to my friend, Faiz, hahaha!

I got you something for your birthday :

Hahaha, just kidding. You just have to wait 2 more days, then I'll give you your hadiah, ;)


Sunday, December 12, 2010

meh friend is awesome

Look at that kid in red. Yeah, cute right? Because all children are cute. His name is Haziq, and he asked me to right about betapa 'comel' he is, =.=

Here he is now. The one in the blue, not the green, haha. He has to wear glasses, but i think someone broke his glasses or something. Poor Haziq yang 'comel', =.=

Anyways, I'm done writing about him. Yeah, he's nice and all, but he likes to bully me. And annoy me to death. Oh, he got me a protractor for my birthday this year. It saved my life, because I lost my protractor, and on that day there was an exam. Thanks Haziq, :')

Oh, here's an embarassing photo of him. I have to put it here. Muahahahaha!! >:D

"O ya, I'm so sexy"

Oh, and Haziq, Longcat is long okay, dia tak weird, :D

Sunday, December 5, 2010

I Whip My Hair Back And Forth

Weeee, I cut my hair again! Trimmed my fringe and made my hair one-length. Awesomeness... :D

And, I went to the dentist again, to get a mould of my teeth and also a filling. I did not enjoy both. Obviously. The drilling part hurts, but not too bad. And i felt like barfing when they're taking a mould of my teeth. Blegh.

Anyways, I also went to this baking shop thingy somewhere at Sect. 13. I bought ingredients to bake some Cookie Monster Cupcakes, while my sister bought ingredients to bake a cake. Peanut Butter & Chocolate Cake, :D

Awesome Cute-ness!

Those aren't mine BTW. I randomly googled 'Cookie Monster Cupcake' and I picked the cutest one. Hahaha, I'm crazy, :D


Wednesday, December 1, 2010


Just a quick reminder to all you people out there...

Firetruck, I just love cats. :)

Oh, and, RWJ just uploaded a new episode of =3, enjoy:

Ray William Johnson FTW!!
