Monday, January 31, 2011

A Bit Of Randomness Is NAICE

Hey hey hey!

It's been a long time since I've post anything. So, let's start...

It has been a tough month at school. Not really. But yeah. I actually miss Haziq.

Anyways, I've been coming late to school every day. Selalu terjumpa Syahin. Hohoho.

Sekarang merupakan cuti Tahun Baru Cina. So, I'll be staying home (forever alone) for the whole week, I guess. I hope the 'farewell party' is still going on...

Lalala, I still haven't done my homework yet. Too lazy. Lazy ain't good.

Meow meow meow... Meow meoww meow. Meow meow meow mew mew meow!
Oh, sorry, that was Cleo. She wanted to write something too. I hope she starts her own blog.

Yeah. I'm hungry. Goodbye. Gonna hunt something downstairs.

P/S : Yesterday terhantuk kepala dekat fridge. So, that'll explain the randomness. But I'm definitely fi - BLEGHLEGHLEGHLEH!!!

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