Saturday, December 10, 2011

Adventures Around The House, ep. 1, season 1

My cat gave birth to 3 cute kittehs yesterday. The placenta-eating part still disgusts me. I don't wanna be a surgeon anymore.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Houston, we have a problem.

So, yeah. I have a fever currently, and dah la time cuti sekolah. Tak best langsung. All you can do is duduk rumah, tengok TV, main PC, and tidur.

Le me, watching Criminal Minds with Cleo.

I sometimes feel hot, sometimes cold. Tak best.

Bye. :(

Monday, November 14, 2011


"Dude, want some updog?"
"What? What's updog?"
"Nothing much."

So, I haven't posted anything for a very long time. I just wanna say, good luck to all SPM candidates, and all the best! Except to those I despise...

Anyways, enjoy this comic I found on 9gag :



Friday, August 5, 2011

Iz Puasa Tiem

Hey peeps! Whaddup?

It's been a long time since my last post. Here goes...

Yeah, hari ni merupakan hari ke-5 bulan ramadhan. Esok hari ke-6. Selepas tu hari ke-7. Pastu dah satu minggu dah. How fast time flies...

Anywho, I have nothing to say. My life is absolutely boring...

Well, I've started playing MapleSEA again. Just now baru je level 30 in Fornax. Takde semangat main.
And I've also start main The Sims 2 again. After cleaning the room (yang tak nampak lantai pun, sebab terlampau sepah), I found the cd behind my sister's stack of novels.
... I have no life...

And, baru-baru ni, I have this semangat inside me yang membara, wanting to learn about Biology more... From Wikipedia, :D
Yeah, now I finally know the difference between meiosis and mitosis. I'm so proud of myself, :')

... Yeah...
Also, starting this week, if datang lewat to school, kena salin karangan. Tak pernah dengar denda tu. But penat oh, patah tangan salin. Kena duduk tengah-tengah tapak perhimpunan pula tu, :(
Next week salin 2. I shall injure my hand to avoid from copying anymore essays. MUAHAHA, my evil plan is FOOLPROOF!

To anyone reading this (kalau ada pun), ignore my plan. I'm just bored. I won't hurt myself. That's dumb.

Now I shall continue eating Pik-Nik while browsing through Memebase, :)

Om Nom Nom Nom

Monday, April 18, 2011

Seven Days

Monday, I could wait till Tuesday
If I make up my mind
Wednesday would be fine, Thursday's on my mind
Friday'd give me time, Saturday could wait
But Sunday'd be too late

Sunday, April 17, 2011

lol srsly?

Me? Crazy?

I'm not crazy, I just have a great sense of humour!

I'm back.

Bah! Lama gila tak update blog! Blehlehleh!

I don't know what to write here, so here's a unicorn.

Monday, January 31, 2011

A Bit Of Randomness Is NAICE

Hey hey hey!

It's been a long time since I've post anything. So, let's start...

It has been a tough month at school. Not really. But yeah. I actually miss Haziq.

Anyways, I've been coming late to school every day. Selalu terjumpa Syahin. Hohoho.

Sekarang merupakan cuti Tahun Baru Cina. So, I'll be staying home (forever alone) for the whole week, I guess. I hope the 'farewell party' is still going on...

Lalala, I still haven't done my homework yet. Too lazy. Lazy ain't good.

Meow meow meow... Meow meoww meow. Meow meow meow mew mew meow!
Oh, sorry, that was Cleo. She wanted to write something too. I hope she starts her own blog.

Yeah. I'm hungry. Goodbye. Gonna hunt something downstairs.

P/S : Yesterday terhantuk kepala dekat fridge. So, that'll explain the randomness. But I'm definitely fi - BLEGHLEGHLEGHLEH!!!